Project Terran Store Moving

Project Terran uses in game Terran Store Credits as its funding source. This aids us in server costs and services like Art and Advertising.

Since the TSC system was implemented we have run a small site for the purchase of these credits to be used in game via the in game Store.

We have decided to roll the Terran Store Credits in to the Core-Exiles Store and dedicate a special page there for the purchase of TSC’s and the support of Project Terran. We will edit the footer link in the game to go to the new location so you wont have to remember any links or special locations.

As the TSC’s will be listed and purchasable on the CE store site you will also be able to make use of the Core-Exiles monthly discount codes along with any cross support spending special offers in the future.

This move is a simple one driven by costs, income, and time saving on our part. Maintenance and support of a separate site for what amounts to a handful of purchasers is simply not a worth while endeavour.

Our hope is that over time PT will continue to grow (as it does slowly) in the mean time we will continue to provide the TSC as a means to supporting PT.

Thank you for reading…
