Bug or player stupidity

tried to email my other toon a chassis but got mixed up and emailed the sending toon in error! No big deal but it did generate the error message below rather than telling me not to be so dumb.

have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘WHERE
item_id = ‘’’ at line 1

At what point did this error show up @Grumpy?

When you clicked email from the ship store, or when you clicked send on the email…?

It happened when I sent the email. The email sent and was received ok so no impact on game play.

Very strange indeed, have not been able to replicate it thus far.

If it should happen again (to any player) can I ask that you grab a screenshot of the error and post it in the forum so that I can see what you see?

I havent been able to replicate it either. just tried again with both toons and it works fine with no message. probably my dodgy network connection again

No problem, I will leave the bug report open for a few more days in case it does happen again.