Incorrect interest rate for PA bank account

My account says I have PA status, however, the bank is only showing the 1% interest for a regular account. I’m not sure why it’s doing this.

Can you grab a screenshot, and post it here? (just the section with the message will be fine, no need for the whole screen)

I have been through all the code, and checked your account in the database and am at a loss why it should be showing the incorrect value… ?

Sorry, still playing on my phone. It’s only letting me coy and paste:

XPXP 89%NerveNERVE 46%AwakeAWAKE 91%EnergyENERGY 21%HPHP 100%
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I’ll keep trying, but that’s what it tells me right now. I thought it may be due to the difference in time between pa days and when rollover occurs, but I wasn’t sure

OK, I think I found the issue. Should now display correctly.

Looks perfect! thanks a lot😀